Episode 40 with Aron Stevens

This week, The Godfathers of Podcasting are back with a very unique episode! After lamenting on the loss of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna one year ago today, the boys discuss the legacy of Larry King, touching on celebrity culture in general and its ability to inspire us all.

Today’s special guest is one like no other! Donnie, Tid and Dan welcome former WWE superstar, actor and all-around amazing dude, Aron Stevens a.k.a. Damien Sandow.

The boys engage in a very fascinating conversation about religion, with specific attention on Catholicism, while also delving into Aron’s love for animals and his work in saving them. We also announce news of his forthcoming podcast with our friend, April Hunter.

In a tribute to Larry King, the show ends on the music video “T.N.T.” which was the first single from Dan-e-o’s second album, “See No Evil, Hear No Evil”. The video parodies the late journalist among other television broadcasts and personalities.

Check out this week’s episode now!



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